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We ship out orders every Tuesday & Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).
We ship out orders every Tuesday & Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).

How to Brew Coffee Using a LilyDrip with April Athlete Giorgio Visitacion

This week Patrik joined April Athlete Giorgio Visitacion in his coffee bar in Cebu, The Good Cup Coffee Co, exploring how to get the best out of the LilyDrip tool when brewing V60. This video features Giorgio's V60 recipe, brewed using a Tetsu Kasuya Hario V60, as well as his pouring techniques and interval times. This is the brew method most commonly used behind the bar at The Good Cup Coffee Co. Patrik and Giorgio also discuss the advantages of this brew method, as well as discussing their motivations for competing and their future plans for the Brewers Cup competition.

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