Organic Coffee is something that we discussed for a long time and until today always opted against for the main reason that the taste quality isn’t as high as the alternative.
There is no doubt in our minds that Organic Coffee should be a part of the future and we believe that investing in making it become a reality holds a lot of value for us and the industry at large.

There are challenges and question marks around the actual certification process at origin. There is different rules depending on what country you are looking at and there is more then one way to get certified. But based on our increased understanding of farming and trading that comes as a result of the partner farm relationships we have we have decided to explore Organic Coffee further.
The Lot
Kayon Mountain is the first lot of organic coffee that we are sharing with you.
This lot caught our attention earlier this summeri, with flavors of Figs, Red Grape & Florals.
More coming soon.