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We ship out orders every Tuesday & Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).
We ship out orders every Tuesday & Wednesday. With the deadline for ordering on Sundays at 18:00 (CET).

Coffee Subscription April 2019

This week, Patrik jumped back into the roastery to present our latest monthly Subscription release. Our subscription members receive between 1 to 5 bags of coffee every month, and we're committed to providing them with not only the highest quality roasted coffee but also offering access to our roasting specifications and an approach towards brewing.

This month, we sent our members a highly sought after lot of the Yellow Pacamara varietal which has been carefully sorted to comprise of only a smaller screen size selection, referenced here as 'petites'. Grown at Finca Limoncillo, located in the La Dalia region of the Matagalpa district in Nicaragua, this hybrid of both Pacas and Marogogype is not necessarily the highest yielding varietal however the cup profile of this coffee is truly remarkable. The tropical profile is very unique, with notes of pineapple, plum and yellow fruits. We select different coffee every month to feature for our subscribers, watch this weeks video to learn more about the kind of information we're providing every month.

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